Reserve Officers Training Corps

In conjunction with Alabama State University, Huntingdon students may enroll in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program in the Air Force (Aerospace Studies/ASU). Completion of the courses necessary for ROTC fulfillment adds an automatic minor in that field of study to your academic program.

The ROTC program provides a variety of scholarships for eligible students.

Students who successfully complete an ROTC program and an undergraduate degree at Huntingdon receive a commission. The nationwide ROTC program is a major source of officer procurement. The purpose of ROTC is to offer educational experiences that will develop an appreciation for democracy, prepare students for responsible citizenship, and train students for management and leadership in the appropriate military service.

You may apply a maximum of 12 semester hours in 300- and 400-level courses toward the minimum of 120 hours for a Bachelor of Arts degree. Credit hours in ROTC courses are included in the count of hours for a normal course load in a given semester.

Air Force ROTC

commissioning ceremony

The goal of the Air Force ROTC curriculum is to provide the military knowledge and skills cadets will need when they become Air Force officers. Students involved in Air Force ROTC complete a minor in Aerospace Studies. Most courses are taught at Alabama State University.

Each year, the Air Force offers a variety of ROTC scholarship programs to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding academic scholarship and leadership potential. Scholarships cover tuition, laboratory, and incidental fees. Scholarship cadets also receive a nontaxable allowance each month.

Although Air Force ROTC students take the ROTC courses at Alabama State University, they are enrolled as full-time students at Huntingdon, and any financial assistance provided by the military is based on tuition and fees at Huntingdon.

For additional information and detailed program requirements, students should contact:

Air Force ROTC Detachment 019 | Alabama State University
1235 Carter Hill Road. | Montgomery, AL 36104
(334) 229-4305 | Email Lt. Col. Andrew Hunter at

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